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Part of a broader landscape

Sounds For The Head And Heart - Art Lover Radio

Art Lover Radio provides a free and unique rolling programme of short, accessible, and original audio pieces, including contemporary music, poetry, prose, and soundscapes.

Launched at the end of September 2023, all the music, poetry, and prose you hear was composed and recorded by Mike de Sousa, and this publication forms part of a broader landscape of his work.


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The more value something has, the more important that it is shared openly.

Like anything truly precious, whether the air we breathe, the water we drink, or the love we share, certain things should be free and for all. If what I have made has value, then these things should also be shared with as many as possible...

I hope something of what you hear at resonates with you.


Discover music, art, literature, photography, environmental, and social publications: Art Lover VIP